Our nurses are there to support and care for you at every stage of your life. Our services include Maternal & Child Health Nurse visits, Immunisation and Pap Screen Services, Community Nursing, Continence Care and Palliative Care.
Community Nursing
Communities reflect how we live, who we work with and who we spend time with. Often when people are seriously ill, they prefer to be at home.
Maternal and Child Health Nurse
The Maternal and Child Health Nurse is a *FREE service which provides primary care to postnatal women, and children from birth to school age.
Our Immunisation Service is an effective way of protecting yourself and your family. Immunisation works by triggering the immune system to fight against certain diseases.
Cervical Screening
The five yearly Cervical Screening Test replaced the Pap test in 2017. The Pap test looked for abnormal cells or cell changes in the cervix that could lead to cervical cancer, but the Cervical Screening Test looks for human papillomavirus (HPV) –the virus that causes almost all cervical cancers – before it has the chance to develop into abnormal or cancerous cells.
Continence Nurse
Our Continence Nurse is here to work with you to ensure Incontinence and Continence problems, that are symptoms of bladder or bowel dysfunction do not consume your life.
Palliative Care
Our approach to Palliative Care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families who are facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness.